Hello, my name is Bea Bivins. The answer of why I write is difficult to explain. I write to encourage myself and others. I write to follow what God has placed on my heart. I write because it is one of the many ways I can share the wondrous beauty of His love which is often hidden by chaos of our world.
Currently, I am working on a Speculative Fiction Fantasy Series based in part on a mixture of Biblical texts, and old world mythologies. All of history is HIS (God’s) story. Our very existence being a love letter from the Master Author Himself.
I write for the seeker. The one who wants a good story that will make them think about the world around them. I write for the searcher. The one who thinks there are answers out there beyond the status quo. I write for the displaced who wonder if there is more than church doctrine. I write to share the joys of the day and the hope for tomorrow.
Come along with me through my many adventures.
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